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May 7

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The characters of DaC are all real people. Check out the contact page to talk to them!
 Tarra Marino
Wry, cynical, and bitter in the best of moments, Tarra is no one's idea of the sweet girl next door. Her humor and willingness to take things in stride keeps her everybody's pal, though.
 Jared Brennan
Tarra's childhood friend, Jared is apparently in love/lust with Tarra's mother (much to her dismay). Though he tries to come across as being confident (if a bit of an asshole) like Lee does, his sensitive side comes out too often for it to fool anyone.
 Genevieve Leland
Viva grew up in Boston, Mass. until her professor parents decided that a move might help their shy daughter improve her social life. Tarra was able to get the newly dubbed Viva out of her shell a bit, but not without learning that people need to be themselves.
 Lee Myer
The newest addition to the crew, Lee just transferred into Shadowcliff High this year. A lust-ridden (and bisexual?) kinda guy, Lee hits on Tarra, Jared, and everyone else avidly-- everyone except Viva, anyway.